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GRP 18-50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, MACV-SOG War Story


GRP 18-50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, MACV-SOG War Story

50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, MACV-SOG War Story


GRP 18-Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam war so to honor the brave Americans who fought and died in Vietnam we have MACV-SOG one zero, or Team Leader Green Beret Mike Stahl back on the show. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) was a highly classified, multi-service United States special operations unit which conducted covert unconventional warfare operations prior to and during the Vietnam War.


Mike tells a war story of his last operation running recon operating deep behind enemy lines. The mission was intended to be a POW snatch (Prisoner of War) which is considered to be amongst the most dangerous missions to conduct for a recon team. They inserted, got into a gun battle as expected, and called in what is known as a Prairie Fire over the radio. Calling in a Prairie fire is what gave SOG their astounding kill to death ratio of hundreds, and at times thousands to one. Any questions, or suggestions email us at


Mike Stahl’s website:


Jason Economo’s book on MACV-SOG: Gentle Propositions


Mike Glover’s website:

Mike Glover’s Instagram: SofSurvivor

Mike Glover’s Twitter: IgSofSurvivor

Mike Glover’s Facebook: FieldCraftLLC


John Hendricks website:

John Hendricks Instagram/Twitter: IgRecon

John Hendricks Facebook: FB Recon


Music provided by Caspian:


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