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GRP 19-Special Forces Generations, MACV-SOG War Story, Recondo School


GRP 19-Special Forces Generations, MACV-SOG War Story, Recondo School

GRP 19-On this episode we have Mike Stahl, and Mike Glover back on. This discussion is about the difference in Special Forces during the Vietnam era in which Mike Stahl served, and modern day Special Forces in which Mike Glover served. Mike Stahl talked about his experience going through the famed MACV-SOG Recondo school which is the only military school of its kind. Soldiers were taught the hard skills they would need to operate in the jungle deep behind enemy lines, and the training culminated in a patrol through the jungle of an unsecured area, at times teams got into gunfights, and had to be extracted out. Mike also gave us a funny war story from a time where he had to go into the jungle to extract a team in trouble.


We’ve been getting hit up with questions about what its like for the family of a soldier who’s serving in Special Forces. The few minutes spent discussing this will answer a lot of questions on the matter. Any questions can be sent to



Mike Stahl’s Website:

Mike Stahl’s Facebook: TrickyMisFit


Mike Glover’s Website:

Mike Glover’s Facebook: FieldCraftLLC

Mike Glovers Instagram Accounts: FieldCraftSurvival, SofSurvivor

Mike Glover’s Twitter: IgSofSurvivor


John Hendricks Website:

John Hendricks Facebook: FB Reconm

John Hendricks Instagram Accounts: GlobalRecon_INC , IgRecon

John Hendricks Twitter: IgRecon



Music provided by Caspian:



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